Where are we now
In terms of support we need materials such as plywood to make formworks for the rammed earth, bamboo and thatched suppliers. we need a local supplier for manifacturing and maintening electrical components such as water-pump and baterries for photovoltaic panels. We equally need support for trainning unemployed youth to the techniques of constrction. The aim is to create an ecomy around this type of construction to self-sustain the locality.
An indication of our team’s capacity:
50% expertise already found
10% materials / equipment already found
20% builders already found
Finance: € 9,000
Our goal is to make descent accommodation as cheep as possible, in general to build a 3 bedrooms house on a 200 sqm land would cost around €20,000 in Cameroon, this is inaccesssible to 80% of the population, but if we proposed a solution to descent accommodation to a price lower than €9,000 we are sure to accommodate around 60% of the population within 5 years and to provide them with descent jobs.
| 5,000 |
- Material for first prototype
| 3,000 |
| 1,000 |
Stuff: Equipment & tools, Materials
We need transportation for clay, bamboo and thatched. We need to buy cement to stabilise the aggregate, we need nails, and wood to build the framework, doors, and windows.

Rammed earth, prototype wall and mixture
image: public domain
We need 3-4 labourers for manual works such as mixing the aggregate, and ramming the earth into the formwork. Each home will need a carpenter, and a mason, thus 6 workers per unit for a period of 3-4 weeks in average. We inted to build 100 units within 6 months if many people volonteer. The project itself is a worskhop to train unemployed members of the community to build and maintain their homes, and eventually create jobs for them.

Ramming process
image: public domain