2025 Global Challenge is launching on Feb 21! Find out more here.

Become a 2022 Global Challenge sponsor

We're looking for six sponsors to contribute €5.000 each, and help sustainably improve the lives of communities on the frontlines of today's social and environmental emergencies.


| Habitat initiative cabo delgado - © ZRS Architekten Ingenieure

Our Global Challenge accelerates the development of self-build architectural projects that improve the lives of underserved communities worldwide. 

50% of your sponsorship will go to a specific project, carefully selected for its  contribution towards environmental and social (ESG) needs, and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

50% goes to improving the reach of our Global Challenge, and building out the capacity of our global network, which is volunteer-run.

Together, we’re building a world in which architecture serves the needs of many — not just a privileged few.

#2022 finalists
GC2022 finalist
The Baitussalam School
Jacobabad, Pakistan
GC2022 finalist
Deli Serdang, Indonesia
GC2022 finalist
 meeting place
Barrios que Cuidan
Independencia - Lima, Peru
GC2022 finalist
Mini-Cyclone Shelter for Vulnerable Communities.
Bhola, Bangladesh
GC2022 finalist
 meeting place
San Blas Social Action Center
Caracas, Venezuela
GC2022 finalist
 agriculture & fisheries
La Villa Pesquera del Crash Boat
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
GC2022 finalist
KuNa, Construyendo Sueños
El Astillero, Tola, Nicaragua
GC2022 finalist
 work & business
The Women's House of Imloul
Imloul, Morocco
GC2022 finalist
Book House
#GC2022 Sponsors


By sponsoring #GC2022 you can sustainably improve the lives of a community living on the frontlines of some of today's most pressing social and environmental emergencies.

#GC2022 Partners


Thanks to the support of our #GC2022 Partners, we're accelerating the development of sustainable and inclusive self-build architectural projects worldwide.

What they say about us
  • “Architecture in Development has opened a door to new processes, new ways of seeing things and making connections. ”
    David Basulto
    Archdaily, Founding Director
  • “Architecture-in-Development brings the energy together to foster an architecture of collaboration, bringing together expertise, networks, concrete aspirations for a better world. ”
    Ole Bouman
    Design Society, Founding Director
  • “It takes many generations to make people think differently about the way we build. Keep on going!”
    Cameron Sinclair
    Co-founder, Worldchanging Ventures
  • “Architecture in Development has brought together so many designers and architects through shared values and the motivation to learn from each other to be able to create more inclusive communities.”
    Swati Janu
    Swati Janu, Team Leader of Modskool, Finalist Global Challenge 2016
  • “Architecture in Development creates an incredible network of people around the world to inspire, connect and share ideas. Support them in facilitating architecture that matters!”
    Laura Katharina Strähle
    Initiator and Project Architect of Okana Center For Change, Kenya
Success stories
2021 Global Challenge: demonstrating Do-it-Together architecture practices

Check out the video to get a glimpse of A--D Global Challenge 2021.

Want to find out the challenges and milestones of the Global Challenge finalists? Follow the link to read more.