by Architecture-in-Development (visit profile page), 19 September 2022
A new decade of Architecture-in-Development (A--D)
Looking to the next decade, our ambition is to make Do-it-Together practice the norm, not the exception.
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As global climate, health and humanitarian emergencies become a more common occurrence, local communities and global citizens working and living under these exact threats are increasingly longing for a sense of place and togetherness.

Around the world, there’s an urgent desire for change. We feel that growing strongly in A--D's network of architectural professionals, ready to act on the greatest global challenges in our time. The question is, where do we start?

We believe A--D can play a significant role here. By inspiring new ways of thinking, designing and making architecture. By encouraging the new generation of architects to change the business-as-usual mindset. So step by step, we move the world towards one where architecture is accessible and inclusive for all.

For the past 10 years, we’ve worked relentlessly towards this vision. We’ve engaged more than 60,000 committed architecture professionals across 5 continents and showcased more than 400 examples of a radically new practice we call Do-it-Together (DiT) architecture.

Do-it-Together (DiT) architecture: renewing an age-old practice

Do-it-Together is, in fact, a revisiting of a centuries old practice where families and friends rolled up sleeves, using locally available materials and building techniques to realise homes and common places. 

“DiT brings people and communities closer together and connects them to a shared heritage and place.”

In a time when the disparity between local and global keeps increasing, DiT offers new collaboration opportunities to connect different, sometimes even conflicting, values and aspirations between various groups - local self-builders, architects and global professional organisations.

DiT also offers a new collaboration model, changing the power relations between users and architects. Users - in this case the communities - take ownership of the entire design and build process, whilst professionals participate in the community’s work, gaining deeper understanding and appreciation for local sustainable practices.

A--D Global Challenge x Do-it-Together practices

In June 2021, we launched A--D Global Challenge to scout and accelerate the best Do-it-Together architecture practices. Through the program, we found villagers relearning their forgotten earthen building techniques, farmers reimagining the future of their farmland against climate change, urban communities gaining trust and power to improve their lives, all on their own terms.

However small these interventions may seem, it is the collective action that makes a big difference. It is the collaboration beyond different values and cultures that helps close the gap between local and global, between vernacular (approx. 90% world population) and professional practices (who serve the other 10%).

Make Do-it-Together practice the norm, not the exception

Now, we would like to invite you to join us to Do-it-Together. In less than two months, we are launching the 3rd Global Challenge that directly fuels the adoption and realisation of Do-it-Together (DiT) practice.

Next to that, we are engaging world-leading partners to together deepen the Do-it-Together practice. We are facilitating leadership of committed professionals in our global network, connecting even more talents and resources to local ambitions.

Looking to the next decade, our ambition is to make Do-it-Together practice the norm, not the exception.