FAVA, the “Voz Alta” Autistic Foundation’s headquarters and educational building is located in the Caracas municipality of Baruta. The school is oriented to the specialized teaching of children with autism for both pre-school and elementary grades. In total, the building includes 10 classrooms for approximately 80 students. The classrooms are organized around a central patio with a north-south orientation to guarantee good illumination and ventilation. The design features a ramp as the main vertical circulation that wraps around the external perimeter of the building. This alternative ramp circulation unites the public and private functions and creates a space where children can have their daily physical activity in a protected environment. Both the ramp and the more private vertical staircase are covered by a modular steel cage façade that allows for ventilation and illumination throughout the building, but more importantly adds an additional element of safety for the children in the public corridors.