Jacobabad, Pakistan
construction preparation
5 June 2023
2025 Global Challenge is launching on Feb 21! Find out more here.
School systems in the country are focused mainly on teaching via books, that is theoretical learning. But it is important to understand that theory, as well as practical learning, is significant for the development of the children in particular and the community in general. As both formal[conventional education via classroom studies] and informal[skill-based learning like farming, and learning through play] education opportunities are provided, children will be well-equipped for life skills as well.
Agriculture is one of the major means of livelihood for many in Pakistan but unfortunately, little or no technological advancement is observed in the agronomic sector of the country. The school can sow a seed to a new form of learning where children and the community can learn how, in order to grow in careers, only degree-based education is not imperative but skill-based learning is as valuable.
It is also being observed that people are giving up their farming lands to find other revenue-generating opportunities. Flooding has added to this problem, as the stagnant water in fields has worsened the situation for the victims. In the coming years, the situation will only deteriorate if new ways of growing food are not explored. Communal farming is an imperative part of the school to make people and children understand how food self-sufficiency is achievable.
Baitussalam Welfare trust works for the betterment of the people. From providing medical aid, shelter, and food to equipping the young generation with education, BWT caters to the need of the neglected sector. After the 2022 flooding, the need to rehabilitate the flood victims arises, and that is when the organization met WM Creative Studio members. The co-founders of WM conducted a flood rehabilitation workshop at the University of Karachi. Being educationists and architects, the members of WM Creative Studio wanted to find sustainable and efficient solutions to rehabilitate the victims with dignity.
Both BWT and WM Creative Studio Re-Lab further wanted to build schools for the children who had lost access to their education due to inundation.
The Baitussalam School project is being led by Faraz Hassan Syed who is the Director, of Planning, while the finances are managed by Muhammad Immad Ali, who is a Director of Finance. Saad Ilyas is a Civil Engineer and Project Manager of the project.
The design team of WM Creative Studio relab, the team consists of three architects and research assistants. Ar. Wajiha Siddiqui is also an educationalist at the University of Karachi. Ar. Muhammad Mehdi is an environmentalist and educationalist at Sir Syed University, along with Ar. Nafeel Qureshi, whose thesis recently won The Global Design Graduate Show 2022 by Gucci/Arts Thread. Nihal Ahmed, an architecture student is being engaged in research and documentation.
| 2,500 |
| 4,200 |
| 2,800 |
| 1,200 |
| 1,500 |
| 1,000 |
| 1,500 |
| 600 |
| 2,250 |