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Book House
GC2022 finalist
design development
26 September 2023
Book House is a network project of children libraries for Dong minority rural villages in Hunan, China. Buildings that connect children to the beauty of reading through a design that reinterprets Dong timber architecture. It is a continuous project aiming that all children in villages along Pingtan Valley could own their Book House, a place where they learn through playing and reading, where design, traditions and materials are taught by osmosis.
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Rural Chinese villages are disappearing at an alarming rate. Unprecedented urban growth has been decimating the physical and cultural identity of villages. Dong Minority villages have been confronted with the ever-present reality of their beautiful heritage rapidly evaporating. Entire villages built over centuries from a single sustainable material, indigenous China Fir, are rapidly losing their identity by the invasion of concrete. 

This project aims to respond to the rich heritage of Dong minority rooted in land. The traditional Dong “ganlan” house is the creative point of departure, where the timber frame is adapted and reconfigured to accommodate various programmatic and spatial needs. This spatial subversion generates a building that at first glance appears traditional, yet on closer inspection, new unconventional relationships emerge. By working within the system, rather than against it, materiality and craftsmanship inject new life back into villages.

In Pingtan Valley, schools and libraries are scarce, children are raised by grandparents until the age of 10 when they are forced to study in nearby towns. This social phenomenon is the inspiration behind the project, to offer an educational incubator, a house for children to learn through playing. It explores an alternative adaptive strategy for the Dong Minority rural villages of China, through implementation of architectural prototypes, in form of children libraries, design and built using traditional customs and crafts.
Numerous Chinese villages face an unprecedented fight for survival, they are either left abandoned or get labelled as historical monument and stop being lived, becoming in the process de facto museum devoid of real life. Book House aims to revive the role of traditional architecture in contemporary rural Chinese villages through design. Reinstall a sense of pride and meaning in vernacular by adapting its purpose to suit modern life, but importantly remain faithful to the DNA of Dong Architecture. 

More than anything these villages need hope in future. Villagers are aware that their customs and traditions have to transform to remain relevant. Children represent this hope; teach children the value and beauty of their culture and villages have a chance to survive. Under this mission, Book House attempts to provide reading spaces grounded in local design, inspired by the local traditional Dong dwelling but is transformed into contemporary social space. The designs are built entirely from local sustainable timber by local carpenters, the Book Houses become magnet for local children; places to play, read and most importantly places to be proud of.

The project started in Gaobu (2015), then in Pingtan (2019) and is now expanding to other villages along Pingtan Valley. Though the process is slow, we aim to spread its impacts to all children in Dong minority. Typically, there are around 100 children in one village, it means with a single donation of 50,000 USD covering a library, working closely with local carpenters, at least 100 children reach to the world of learning and literature.
Core team
Local, slow and listening are the key attributes behind the Book House project, without them all Book Houses wouldn’t be possible, as well as everyone in the villages, carpenters, children, even people who donated books to us. 

Condition_Lab, an alternative architectural practice combining social enterprise, research and design into one, has taken the chance to initiate the Book House project after visiting the Dong minority villages near Pingtan Valley for years. Instead of taking up the leading role, we work closely with local carpenters discussing with them about our design initiative; instead of being just the builders, the carpenters participate in the process of development. The team of 6 local carpenters, led by the master Yang Jian who owns more than 30 years of experience in building timber houses in Dong minority villages, has taken such an important role, passing us the knowledge of traditional Dong timber craftsmanship and realizing the Book House project.

Nevertheless, architects and carpenters are not the only important parties in the project but everyone in the villages whom we have been accommodated for these years, villagers who talked to us and inspired us the project rather than rejecting us as foreigners in the villages, people who donated books to us, and children who picked their favourite books and put on the bookshelves in all Book Houses. The Book House project was initiated, designed, finally realized by our team of Condition_Lab and local carpenters, and was supported by everyone who are not professional but love to help children in these villages.
Team with local carpenters and community

image: public domain
Image gallery
Gaobu Book House_1

image: public domain
Gaobu Book House_2

image: public domain
Gaobu Book House_3

image: public domain
Gaobu Book House_4

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Gaobu Book House_5

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Gaobu Book House_6

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Gaobu Book House_7

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Gaobu Book House_8

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_1

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_2

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_3

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_4

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_5

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_6

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_7

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_8

image: public domain
Malong Book House_1

image: public domain
Malong Book House_2

image: public domain
Malong Book House_3

image: public domain
Malong Book House_4

image: public domain
Technical drawings
Gaobu Book House_site plan

image: public domain
Gaobu Book House_G/F plan

image: public domain
Gaobu Book House_1/F plan

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Gaobu Book House_section

image: public domain
Gaobu Book House_elevation

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_site plan

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_G/F plan

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_1/F plan

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_section

image: public domain
Pingtan Book House_elevation

image: public domain
Malong Book House_plan

image: public domain
Malong Book House_section

image: public domain
Help bring our project to life!
26 September 2023
While visiting the site we spoke to teachers, the principal and other stakeholders all of whom identified an old disused dormitory as the best site for the project. The location is perfect as it is at the top of the campus and can become, if we build a two-story structure, a beacon for the community.

Although we have no fixed design yet, we are thinking of a circular building, again maximizing the idea that the building is open and free for children to learn by playing. We would also like to maximize natural light and play with the idea of bringing colour into the space.  We are also currently studying local bead jewellery as a source of inspiration.  The village is very remote, more than 6 hours from Nairobi, but with the contacts, we have with the trust and the educational NGO we are confident that we can realize the project.

The total site of the building is approximately 300 sqm, but we propose to only build 200 sqm and leave 100 sqm for outdoor public space.  The interior will have rooms dedicated to books but also places where the local children can perform music, art and dance.  Again, we wish to provide the school with its own energy source and hence plan to build solar panels to provide energy for the school.  As water is so scarce, we also plan to reuse the rainwater.  In terms of maintenance, the principal of the school has said he and his staff have the resources to take good care of the library.
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26 September 2023
Expansion of Book House in Kenya - 01 KUKU, MASAAI VILLAGE
The Maasai village of Kuku is located in the Kajiado district (Kenya), at an altitude of 1200m between the Chyulu Hills and Mount Kilimanjaro.  It is very remote; the nearest town is more than an hour's drive away and it is surrounded by a volcanic bush landscape where the Maasai people live.  The Maasai people have a rich warrior heritage and a unique culture based on language, hunting, music, dance, clothes, and jewellery.

We came across the Kuku Primary school while meeting Mr. Peter Laitakwan, the Education Coordinator of the Maasai Wilderness and Conservation Trust (MWCP) an organization that works to protect the natural environment in the Kuku region.  With MWCP we visited 6 remote schools in the region, all of which have very basic facilities, but the Kuku primary school is different for several reasons: 1) It is a school with 300 students, offering boarding facilities for girls, meaning that the potential library would get a lot of use, 2) It teaches students from many nearby villages and is located at the heart of the Kuku region, helping to spread the impact, 3) The school has no library and is currently in a bad state of disrepair.

Another reason why we would like to work with this school is that on our visit to the school, we met Ms. Nosin Lemaylan from Mt. Kilimanjaro Child Development Program (MKCDP) which is a non-governmental organization that deals with child sponsorship, child protection and youth empowerment.  They would be interested to work with us and would help manage the programme of the library.
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21 September 2023
The Book House will be more than a book house than the existing model. They will continue our educational project to improve children’s life through knowledge while they are accommodating new programs we have never introduced, aiming to provide a sustainable future and improve children's health conditions.

Like the old saying in Dong minority, "Four meals a day, two for food and two for tea" (日食四餐,兩飯兩茶), Dong minority people love drinking tea. Tea culture has been deeply rooted in Dong's daily routine. Malong primary school is considering making a tea field in the mountain behind the site. Therefore, we would like to introduce the programs related to tea to our book house. It would accommodate a space to collect, make, and drink teas. In this house, we welcome students, teachers, villagers from nearby settlements, and potentially tourists to enjoy and learn more about Dong's tea culture.
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18 September 2023
Expansion of Book House in China
The project started in Gaobu (2015), then in Pingtan (2019) and has been aiming to expand to other villages along Pingtan Valley. Since the completion of Pingtan Book House, through the network of school principals among schools in the area, we had a chance to start a discussion with another village named Malong, which is 45 mins driving distance from Gaobu. A Book House project is secured in Malong Primary School yet she will be more than purely a book house. She would continue our educational project to improve children’s life through knowledge while she will be accommodating new programs we have never introduced, aiming to provide a sustainable future and enhance the cultural value of the Dong minority villages.

Malong Primary School is located at Zhuping West Hillside of Malong village. It has 30 faculty members, 10 teaching classes made of 300 students, and a kindergarten. The school covers a land area of 15,840 square meters, with a total GFA of 5,060 square meters, two teaching buildings, an office building, a student dormitory, a canteen, and a kindergarten. There are also a 200-meter circular track and a 60-meter straight track, basketball courts, and badminton courts, with a total area of 1,739 square meters.

Located in the Malong Primary School, the site of the new Book House is at the transition point between the teaching area and the living area. In front of the site is a sloping road that connects the teaching buildings with the student dormitory and canteen, which has a great potential to gather students around the school and create a third place for fun. A public lane will be introduced to connect the tea field and the road to respond to the proposed tea field.
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Help bring our project to life!
Where are we now
The Book House project is a continuous project aiming that all children in villages along Pingtan Valley could own their Book House, a place where they learn through playing and reading. To date, we have planted two seeds in the village of Gaobu and Pingtan, built in 2018 and 2021 respectively. We then have reached two more villages and guaranteed the next Book Houses in Malong and Baozeng: - Malong Book House – we have finished the design and set up a team of a project manager and 6 local carpenters; Baozeng Book House – we are working with the school in Baozeng about the design now while the site for the Book House has been fixed. Both projects are currently looking for financial support.
An indication of our team’s capacity:
100% expertise already found
100% materials / equipment already found
100% builders already found
Finance: € 35,000
The Book House project is self-initiated and pro-bono, all donations to the project shall go to realizing the Book Houses. With 50,000EURO, we build one Book House. Within such budget, every little amount means big to the project, 20,000EURO helps to get the timber framework done, 15,000EURO to build bookshelves, 10,000 EURO to create the window facades, or even 10 USD to buy a book, leading children to the world of reading. We hope the Book House project could be a project to help the locals in Dong minority villages, especially the children, and also a chance to connect people all over the world who love to help and people who need help in these villages.
  • Timbe
  • Bookshelves
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